Multimedia & Design Software > Image Editors > Magic Inpainter

Magic Inpainter 2.1


Magic Inpainter is a tool for high quality image inpainting - removal of text, stains and unnecessary informations from images.


Windows AllPlatform :
USD $5.99Price :
2.56 MBFile Size :
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7/5/2010Date Added :
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Magic Inpainter was fully tested by TopShareware Labs. It does not contain any kind of malware, adware and viruses.
Magic Inpainter Express is a image inpainting tool. Inpainting is removal of text, stains and unnecessary information from images. The tool can be usefull for removal of text, date stamps, stains and other small or medium sized regions. It has easy and user friendly design.

The tool uses unique context based image restoration algorithm. The purpose of the inpainting algorithm is to restore noisy regions of the image in a natural way. The algorithm works better for textures but it had also been tested successfully on various kind of photos. It can remove any kind of small and large monocolor regions from images. As
long as they do not obscure unique and non-repeating important information they are restored, in most cases, without visual damage of the image. The algorithm preserves the background texture pattern, it tries to preserve also the contours and edges.

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Audio : Games : Desktop : Business : Internet : Multimedia : Software Developer : Utilities : Web Developer : Screensavers

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