Multimedia & Design Software > Image Editors > ActionDex

ActionDex 1.0


Take control of your actions with ActionDex, the action manager for Adobe Photoshop!


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USD $29.95Price :
3.53 MBFile Size :
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Popularity: 2/10Popularity :
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3/29/2004Date Added :
5-Star Rating Rating :
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ActionDex was fully tested by TopShareware Labs. It does not contain any kind of malware, adware and viruses.
Take control of your actions with ActionDex, the action manager for Adobe Photoshop! No more sifting through hundreds of Photoshop actions trying to remember what each does. Now you can organize your actions the way YOU want to and even save sample images showing what each action does!

Organize your actions into categories
Easily move, copy, and delete actions and categories
Associate your own notes with actions
Rate each action so you can quickly find your favorites
Associate a preview image with each action so you can easily see what it does
Keep track of the author, web site, and other information about an action
View all messages in an action, even while the action is executing
Keep track of all this information even for actions you have unloaded from Photoshop
Provide author name, web site, and extended notes with actions you write and share with others
Execute actions in Photoshop.

Download ActionDex

Audio : Games : Desktop : Business : Internet : Multimedia : Software Developer : Utilities : Web Developer : Screensavers

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