Webmaster Tools > Site Promotion Tools > SignPoster



Advanced website promotion, metatag, analysis, doorway & submission software.


Windows AllPlatform :
USD $59.95Price :
4.62 MBFile Size :
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Popularity: 3/10Popularity :
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10/13/2002Date Added :
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SignPoster was fully tested by TopShareware Labs. It does not contain any kind of malware, adware and viruses.
Advanced website promotion software. SignPoster features intelligent metatag creation with Dublin Core support, page and keyword analysis with automatic correction and suggestions, doorway page creation, search engine submission and report viewing.

Other features of SignPoster include the Contextualization Engine, which suggests keywords as you type, a built-in FTP client and direct links to submission pages of search engines that don't accept automated submissions.

AutoRenew checks for and downloads and installs new updates when they become available with your permission) and the Support Wizard can put you in direct contact with a technical support representative. SignPoster's layout is logical and simple, making it easy to get to grips with the software. A concise but comprehensive help file is also provided. You can even change the formatting of reports and SignPosts!

Metatag creation:

SignPoster supports the Dublin Core metadata standard:
This standard is becoming increasingly important to search engines and SignPoster is the only web promotion software to support it.

Page analysis:

SignPoster will auto-fix problems with your metatags:
SignPoster can automatically fix numerous problems with metatags, saving your the laborious task of doing it yourself.

Doorway pages:

SignPoster's doorway pages include lists of keywords and lists of links within your site:
A list structure containing keywords clearly identifies key search terms for your page and links to other pages within your site helps increase your site's link popularity rating.

Search engine submission:

SignPoster will warn you if you try to re-submit a page too soon:
SignPoster remembers how often you submit individual pages, and will alert you if you try to re-submit too often since search engines disapprove of this.

Download SignPoster

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