Business & Finance Software > Project Management Software > Project Monitor

Project Monitor


Project Monitor makes it easy to categorize, record and analyze your daily work effort.


Windows XPPlatform :
USD $75Price :
1.64 MBFile Size :
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Popularity: 1/10Popularity :
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8/22/2008Date Added :
5-Star Rating Rating :
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Project Monitor was fully tested by TopShareware Labs. It does not contain any kind of malware, adware and viruses.
Designed for anyone working on a time-for-money basis, Project Monitor is an easy to use time-tracking and analysis application. If your livelihood depends upon accurately categorising and recording your working day on the basis of client, project and activity, Project Monitor is sure to benefit you and your business.

? Record your working day retrospectively or in real time, categorizing tasks according to client, project and activity
? Keep track of your customers and contacts
? Print weekly or fortnightly timesheets
? Compare actual times with project estimates using flexible filtering options
? Generate detailed or summarized reports based on your filtered data
? Export your filtered data to a text file then manipulate or extend it with an external tool such as Excel
? Create customised queries and reports using Access, or any other tool which can connect to a Microsoft JET database.

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