Business & Finance Software > Business Applications > PileTool

PileTool 1.03


PileTool is an easy to use software created for the design of bored and driven piles in various ground conditions.


Windows XPPlatform :
USD $300Price :
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11/1/2010Date Added :
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PileTool was fully tested by TopShareware Labs. It does not contain any kind of malware, adware and viruses.
PileTool is an easy to use software created for the design of bored and driven piles in various ground conditions. Using referenced background theory it will calculate a pile capacity plot with depth, modelling gradual variations of capacity through the use of finite element analysis of 0.1 m thick ground layers. The pile capacity plot can be useful to model the performance of piles of varying dimensions and properties installed in different ground conditions and can prevent a lot of iterative / repetitive calculations for pile design. It can be a useful tool when used to complement / verify hand-calculations or simply to perform quick preliminary, back-of-envelope pile designs used for example to compare the feasibility of different piling options for a tender.

It considers the water table, safety factor (both combined and separate shaft and end-bearing), anchor piles, concrete / steel or wood as pile material, installation either bored or driven and circular / square shaped piles. Layer properties are based on SPT values and ground type must be either entered as cohesive / granular / silt or sand, so for example in a site investigation borehole a sandy CLAY should be modelled as a cohesive material type. Also for example a clayey SILT should be modelled as a silt material type.

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Audio : Games : Desktop : Business : Internet : Multimedia : Software Developer : Utilities : Web Developer : Screensavers

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