Business & Finance Software > Business Applications > Computer Rental Controller

Computer Rental Controller


Internet Café or computer kiosk software


Windows AllPlatform :
USD $30Price :
509 KBFile Size :
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Popularity: 1/10Popularity :
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2/18/2006Date Added :
5-Star Rating Rating :
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Computer Rental Controller was fully tested by TopShareware Labs. It does not contain any kind of malware, adware and viruses.
Rent or sell time on your computer for Internet Cafés or computer kiosks. Offers two methods:1) Generate a list of passwords you can sell. Each password allows access to the computer once for a period of time set by you. 2) Create a list of permanent passwords. Each can be used unlimited times. When a person uses their password, it records how long they use the computer, so you can bill them.

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Audio : Games : Desktop : Business : Internet : Multimedia : Software Developer : Utilities : Web Developer : Screensavers

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