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AutoSignal 1.7


Scientists and engineers can perform complex signal analysis without programming by selecting menu items that determine how the computer will analyze and present data.


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7/13/2004Date Added :
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AutoSignal was fully tested by TopShareware Labs. It does not contain any kind of malware, adware and viruses.
AutoSignal is the first and only program that completely automates the process of analyzing signals. It gives researchers the power to rapidly find components of complex signals that normally require extensive programming and mathematical routines. It takes full advantage of its graphical user intuitive interface to simplify every aspect of operation, from data import to output of results.

AutoRegressive linear models offer robust models that can quickly handle smaller data sets that FFT cannot accurately analyse. With AutoSignal, you can also recover signal components based on power - the component may be sinusoidal, a square wave, a sawtooth or anharmonic pattern. It lets you see a complete picture of the frequency space using the library of six Fourier Spectrum methods with total flexibility. It gives you a choice of three adjustable mother wavelets: Morlet, Paul and Gaussian Derivative - in both real and complex forms to optimise localisation results.

Scientists and engineers can perform complex signal analysis without programming by selecting menu items that determine how the computer will analyze and present data. Selecting a processing step or algorithm causes the software to provide further menus or windows so users can tailor performance to their needs. After the user makes a processing selection, the software immediately presents processing results in 2-D or 3-D views.

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