Multidmedia Limited (MDM)

Multidmedia Limited (MDM)

Downloads from Multidmedia Limited (MDM)
  • ZINC
    screenshot | size: 4.88 MB | price: $299 | date: 6/11/2003
    ZINC will take your SWF file and compile a fully customizable projector (exe) or screensaver (scr) for royalty free distribution! Extends your SWF with over 300 FSCommands!
  • Capture
    screenshot | size: 1.86 MB | price: $199.99 | date: 6/30/2006
    Record, Capture, Create Directly to SWF
  • Zinc Pocket PC
    screenshot | size: 1.55 MB | price: $549.99 | date: 7/3/2006
    Compile Pocket PC Projectors from Flash!
Disclaimer: Merchandise pictures, download links and descriptions are provided by Multidmedia Limited (MDM) of the merchandise. makes no representations or warranties regarding the merchandise, manufacturers or compatibility of the merchandise available within.

Audio : Games : Desktop : Business : Internet : Multimedia : Software Developer : Utilities : Web Developer : Screensavers

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